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Welcome to the Language of Business.


The Language of Business is a tool to provide you resources to help guide you in your business planning. The program is filled with videos with associated links to support the video topics.  Our first series is about Understanding Financial Tools to help you grow. Videos will be released weekly beginning July 12th. Check them out below and let us know what other topics you’d like to see covered.

Thank you to the wonderful business owners and partners who participated in this series:

Dennis Slattery, SOU School of Business
Anne Robison, The Crown Jewel
Marty Peterson, M Peterson LLC
Dione Irvine, Irvine & Roberts Vineyards
Eric Hansen, True South Solar
Lisa Beam, Skout, Pie + Vine, Burrito Republic and Falafel Republic
Jim Teece, Project A and Ashland Home Net
Greg White, Reinholdt & O’Harra
Meiwen Richards, Retired Business Banker & Branch Manager
Pete Wallstrom, Momentum River Expeditions
Rick Robinson, Oregon Cabaret Theatre
Greg Lemhouse, United Strategies


Welcome to the first episode from the Language of Business. This episode is all about Building your Business Financial Toolkit. In this first episode you will learn about the building blocks of business financial statements such as your balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement & statement of owners equity. Click the embedded links for examples of each type of document as you watch the video.



After walking through the different financial documents in episode one, episode two takes a deeper dive into how big picture financial management tools such as ratios, creating budgets and dialing in your working capital can help you access where you are in your business and how to make well informed decisions.



As you are getting your business started or as you reach points of growth, you may need to access capital. Taking out a loan or bringing on an investor might be your next step. This episode will cover information to have on hand and how to build a trusted relationship with your financial institution for when you are ready.




When owning a business, it is important to try to plan for as much as possible, both the good and the bad. This episode will guide you to protect yourself from a possible business crisis. How can you protect your incredible asset in the event of an emergency? This episode talks about both backing up your information and business insurance.



This concluding episode is about building a team of trusted advisors to help you know what you don’t know. Everyone needs help and everyone needs support. This episode will help you think about your business needs and what kind of help might serve you best.


Partner Organizations:

Mountain Meadows
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