Jordan Pease, Greeter of the Year, is the true epitome of someone who looks around the "room" contemplative, semi-quiet and wonders, how can I help this persons' business or organization survive and thrive? How do I help connect them to the right resources? How can I provide them with a place or a platform to share what they have with the community? How can I give them a voice to the broader community? How can I volunteer my time, offer my support to help this business person meet their goals? Jordan is also the "founder" of several great ideas. And he's someone who never says, I have a good idea for you to go do. He says, I have this idea, I hope it's a good one, and if you love it, how can I help make it happen?
There are also a lot of things this person does, behind the scenes, that he doesn't want recognition for. While he's very busy helping others, he is also running his own organization. The Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library, founded in Ashland in 2002 with a mission that provides easy access to information that inspires, heals and connects. It has an exceptional collection of books, audio books, DVDS to expand awareness about information, not commonly available just anywhere. Tonight, we recognize, with deep gratitude, on behalf of the Chamber community and countless Greeters members, the person who makes metaphysical mainstream for us all, Jordan Pease and the Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library.