Our mission is to reduce or reverse the effects of stress, trauma, and aging, to transform detrimental neurological patterns, introducing more peace, ease, and adaptability, and to unleash more energy for life. As an alternative health care system, we utilize a powerful technique known as Network Spinal Analysis to locate and release harmful stress from your body. With the use of very gentle, precise touches, you will receive transformational care that can free you to climb to new levels in life. There is nothing more effective for reducing or reversing the effects of stress, trauma, or aging than Network Spinal Analysis. It is a highly researched and cutting edge science, blended with ancient healing wisdoms.
Tail of the Sun Network Care is owned and operated by Dr. Luke Schmelzle, chiropractic physician. Dr. Luke specializes in liberating stress energy, stored in the nervous system, muscles, and tendons. With a focus upon Reorganizational Healing, practice members will not only feel better, but access more energy for daily function of “the good things in life”.
***Just 4 min. from downtown Ashland