The Ashland Municipal Airport is located three miles northeast of downtown Ashland on Dead Indian Memorial Road and is classified as a general aviation airport by the Federal Aviation Administration, so it provides for all types of business, commercial, instructional and personal aviation. It has a 3600 X 75 foot paved runway with pilot-activated night lighting. Fixed Base Operator Skinner Aviation offers fuel for both piston and turbine aircraft, maintenance, instruction, aircraft rental, and charter service. More than 80 aircraft are based in Ashland, and the field is sometimes used by air freight operators in winter when the Medford airport is closed by adverse weather. There are three privately owned businesses on the airport: Sky Research, Burl Brim Aviation, and JLC Avionics. 

Established in 1947 by Sumner Parker, a local pilot, it was leased to the city until 1964, when the city purchased it and named it Sumner Parker Field in honor of its founder.
Mountain Meadows
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