This business is here to fix the problems you have when unexpected things happen to your vehicle. You can expect the best work with great customer service. When you bring your vehicle to Anderson we start out by giving you a free estimate and follow up by setting up an appointment. We have two frame machines for the jobs that need extra work. No job is too big for us. Our painter has over 20 years of experience and his work exceeds any expectations. We are set up with many Insurance Companies as a Direct Repair Facility. That means that Insurance companies respect our estimates and trust our work. This has been accomplished by years of great work and great communication between the customer and the Insurance Companies. We love working with our community.

Mountain Meadows
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Ashland Chamber of Commerce | 110 E. Main Street. Ashland, OR 97520 | (541) 482-3486
Office Hours: 10am-3pm, Monday through Friday
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